Thursday, June 12, 2008


I love learning! If school didn't cost so much and I didn't get stressed out during exams I would go back to University. I read Anyram's post "trying to stay positive" and was intrigued by the kount that was embedded in the post. I pondered how she did this. It would have been quicker to ask her but I needed a mental challenge. I figured it out. Nicely done Anyram! I am impressed at how much I am learning about the Internet, HTML, and the online social network. It is a whole other dimension.

I created a kount to find out how many new things we are all learning. Click if you learned something new. I like watching the numbers increase. How many new things have we learned since June 11th?

By the way, I have moved some of my kounts from the right column to the post that is directly related to the kount. Thanks for kounting!


anyram said...

me feel smrt

Antoinette said...

That is because you are smart! Why do you think I keep you around?